Has your doctor ever told you that you have high cholesterol or that you should consider a low cholesterol diet? Then, did you think: What does that mean? Cholesterol is important for good health. It makes cell walls, tissues, hormones, Vitamin D and bile acid—which helps food digestion. But too much cholesterol increases your risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

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Have you ever looked at the cold and flu section at your local pharmacy? It may be only one or two aisles, but the variety of preparations, liquids, pills and mists is enough to make anyone's head spin. Taking a walk down the cold and flu aisle seems like a game; you take your chances that you've chosen a product that may (or may not) give you the relief you're looking for. To make your decision a little easier, think about what symptoms are bothering you and aim to find a medication to help alleviate them. Here are some tips based on common cold and flu symptoms:

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One in 20 people will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Most likely, each person will have different causes for their set of symptoms, whether it’s fear, sleeping issues, trembling, poor concentration or other symptoms of anxiety.

A variety of aliments can generate anxious feelings, such as your:

• mind-body connection or body chemistry (perhaps, anxiety is genetic),
• past experiences (trauma or how your parents dealt with stress, influence how you handle stressful situations), and

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Chest discomfort is one of the most worrisome reasons why persons seek care from a physician. It can affect people of all ages and can stem from many causes. Thankfully, the majority of patients who experience chest discomfort do not have a serious cause. In other words, not all chest pain is dangerous. Physicians approach chest discomfort from a risk stratification standpoint, perform a physical examination and sometimes diagnostic studies.

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Be sure to consider Medication Side Effects

Many diseases, or the drugs used to treat them, can inhibit your sexuality by reducing arousal or your ability to reach orgasm.

Few of us are comfortable discussing sexual side-effects with our doctors, but it is well worth the conversation.

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If you live in or around West Michigan, shoveling snow in the winter is inevitable. While it is a great form of physical activity, for some people it can be dangerous and may increase your risk of a heart attack. Before you trek outside to clear your driveway, make sure that you’re prepared to do it safely with these tips:

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Early detection of breast cancer can save your life. Knowing your risks is part of early detection, and so is a regular mammogram screening. A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast used to detect and diagnose breast cancers, benign tumors and cysts before being found through a self or clinical breast exam. If mammography raises significant suspicion, your doctor may request a biopsy of the tissue.   

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Vaginismus, a vaginal muscle spasm that prevents penetration, can be part of a vicious cycle of pain and response. If you experience painful intercourse, your natural desire to avoid the pain may be a psychological trigger for vaginismus, which occurs involuntarily.

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Bones weaken with age in both men and women. Since menopause temporarily accelerates bone loss, women usually see the greatest decline in bone density in the years immediately after menopause. Because older bone cells break down faster than new ones are built, women are at a greater risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures. 

There are important steps you can take – before menopause occurs – that will help boost bone health. 

Make bone health an early priority

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