Holland Hospital’s Center for Good Health is participating in a CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program

Mon, Jul 15, 2013

Holland Hospital’s Center for Good Health is participating in a CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program

Holland Hospital’s Center for Good Health is participating in a CDC-led National Diabetes Prevention Program, designed to bring to communities an evidence-based lifestyle change program for preventing type 2 diabetes.
The National Diabetes Prevention Program teaches participants strategies for incorporating healthier eating and moderate physical activity into their daily lives.  During this year-long program, participants work with a Lifestyle Coach in a group setting to identify and discuss overcoming barriers to making modest lifestyle changes.  As a group, participants work to identify situations that sabotage their success.  This group process encourages participants to share strategies for dealing with challenging situations. This 1-year lifestyle change program includes 16 core sessions (1 hour per week) and 6 post-core sessions (1 hour per month).   Participants aim to lose 5% to 7% of their body weight by reducing fat and calories, and by being physically active for 150 minutes a week (for a person weighing 200 pounds, the goal would be to lose 10 to 14 pounds.)

Participants also get useful information about choosing nutritious foods, eating the right portion sizes, reading food labels and practical ways to add physical activity to even the busiest of lifestyles. The group interaction component of this program is crucial to the program’s success. With a supportive group to cheer their successes and empathize with their setbacks, participants don’t have to make lifestyle changes alone. Holland Hospital’s Center for Good Health is the local program coordinator.

Funding for the program is provided by the American Association of Diabetes Educators in partnership with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention