Caring Through Clothing

Wed, Feb 21, 2018

Holland Hospital's Emergency Department Collects Clothing to Give to Patients in Need

  • Through donations, the Care Closet provides clothing to patients in the Emergency Department who are in need of warm clothing or a change of clothes.

During the winter months, it is not uncommon to see patients in the Emergency Department without the proper warm clothing or in need of a change of clothes.

After recognizing the need to help patients who needed clothing, Cheryl Stewart, RN and Nurse Care Manager in the Emergency Department, started Holland Hospital’s Care Closet. Stewart contacted the Holland Rescue Mission to set up the Care Closet. Since then, the Closet has relied on contributions from hospital employees and generosity from the community.

“I never dreamed the Care Closet would have such an impact,” Stewart said.

While donating clothing may seem small, it’s the little acts that often make a profound difference.

"We have given clothes to patients who were in car accidents and their clothes had to be cut off them. We have given socks and a winter coat to a homeless person. We have given articles of clothing to patients who's clothes were soiled. The Care Closet is a blessing to our patients," said Kimberly Leist, RN.

“I can’t say for sure, but I’d guess it’s been used hundreds of times yearly. To know this simple gesture offers some comfort and expression of ‘you do matter’ is rewarding,” Stewart added.

Please contact Jennifer Schmitt if you are interested in Care Closet photos or video or scheduling a time to talk with Cheryl Stewart.