Living Your Healthiest Life

Mon, Jul 16, 2018
Living Your Healthiest Life

Holland Hospital Introduces Lifestyle Medicine

It’s no surprise that our lifestyle choices impact our overall well-being, but did you know that healthy living can prevent or even reverse as much as 80 percent of chronic disease?

“The best medicine is living a lifestyle that helps prevent illness and strengthens the body to fight it,” said Dr. Tyler Murphy, internal medicine/lifestyle medicine physician with Holland Hospital.

Dr. Murphy is pleased to introduce Lifestyle Medicine, a research and evidence-based approach to lifestyle habits as the medicine for protecting your health and preventing disease.

"Traditional medicine focuses on treating symptoms; lifestyle medicine focuses on correcting the underlying cause of those symptoms,” Dr. Murphy said.

Located at Holland Hospital’s Center for Good Health, Dr. Murphy uses a customized, organic approach that focuses on nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress reduction and environmental exposure.

Dr. Murphy educates, equips and empowers patients with the information, resources and motivation they need to protect their health, fight disease, adopt healthy habits and live their healthiest life. Patients do not need a referral to take part in Lifestyle Medicine.