Mental Health

The most common reason people seek medical care isn’t diabetes, cancer or even heart disease. According to the National Institutes of Health, it’s pain. In fact, it’s estimated that 100 million Americans struggle with pain symptoms daily, and chronic pain is the nation’s leading cause of long-term disability.

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Lack of energy and concentration. Sleepiness. Lost of interest and appetite. Mood swings. While these are only some of the symptoms of clinical depression, they’re all pretty good reasons to avoid exercise. That said, working up a sweat can be as effective as medications for fighting depression.

So if you’re one of the millions of Americans living with this chronic disease, lacing up your walking shoes or slipping on your swimming cap might be just what the doctor ordered.

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The family gatherings and holiday shopping may be behind us, but the busyness of life, work and family continues. Let's take a moment to remember the importance of giving ourselves the TLC we deserve by exploring ways of reducing stress and fostering a happy heart.

Practicing gratitude is a great way to lower stress, and protect our hearts and minds. Having an attitude of gratitude offers many benefits. In fact, Robert Emmons, a well-known gratitude researcher, has compiled a list of seven habits of grateful people. 

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When I started working at Holland Hospital thirty-some years ago, I never thought much about retirement. Today I sit in my office just after turning 61, and the end of my career will actually be in my rearview sooner rather than later.

Somehow it all happened in the blink of an eye. While the thought of my retirement is exciting, it doesn’t come without worry, and yes, even some fear mixed with sadness. After all, this is entirely new territory. A brand new chapter.

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Yes, it's true; the new school year is just a couple of short weeks away. The last day of summer may be September 22 on the calendar, but for kids and teens the end of summer is when school begins again.

The start of a new school year can be stressful for both kids and their parents. This year, be prepared. Start transitioning now with these tips:

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The summer always brings a lot of excitement to kids because school is out and they’re looking forward to sleeping in and fun summer activities. However, parents don’t always see it the same way. Who will bring them to these activities and pay for them? How will I keep the kids busy, happy and from fighting with each other?

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May is Mental Health Month: You can help end the stigma about mental illness

Just imagine what it would be like to suffer with a debilitating health problem and be afraid to seek treatment or even tell a family member about your condition because you fear they won’t understand. This would be a very lonely experience.

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No one purposefully sets out to have problems when they begin to use alcohol. But excessive alcohol consumption is a risk factor for many health and social problems and is the third leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.

Problem drinking can develop suddenly in response to a genetic predisposition or a stressful life change. Or it can creep up gradually as a person’s tolerance to alcohol increases.

The bottom line is how alcohol affects you. If drinking is causing problems in your life it’s likely you have a problem with your use of alcohol.

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