Healthy Living

From nausea to sensitivity to light to pain in the face or neck, the symptoms of migraine headaches wreak havoc on the lives of some 38 million Americans. If you’re one of them, there are treatments today that can make a profound difference in your quality of life.


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Despite the headlines and warnings, many teens continue to smoke e-cigarettes (also known as vaping). E-cigarettes were originally intended to help adults quit smoking. However, ease of use, availability, flavoring, advertising and lack of a strong smell have actually made it easier for both adults and teens to start or continue on the path of nicotine dependence.


When it comes to e-cigarettes and teens, here are six things to know:


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About 1 out of every 3 people in the US will develop shingles (herpes zoster) in their lifetime. If you’ve ever had chickenpox, you can get shingles, too.

“It may seem like a temporary inconvenience, but shingles can cause significant discomfort, as well as lead to serious complications, including nerve pain that can last for months or years after the rash goes away,” said Peter Christenson, DO, Holland Hospital Family Medicine – South Washington. “That’s why getting vaccinated is so important.”

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You are what you eat, but what should you eat anyway?

“Diet trends are ever-changing and confusing––tempting anyone and everyone to try the next quick fix to los-ing weight or living a healthier lifestyle,” said Lynsey Hargrove, registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), Holland Hospital Healthy Life Programs.

So if you’re hoping to shed some pounds, maintain a healthy weight or simply eat better, which diet should you follow? Here’s the skinny on five popular approaches:

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Coronavirus (COVID-19)––it’s the disease making headlines and sounding public health alarms. But what is this illness, how concerned should you be and is there anything you can do to prevent it?

Rachel Ellens, Holland Hospital Infection Control Coordinator, offers answers to these common questions and more:

Q: What’s the difference between coronavirus and COVID-19?

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Until you feel a twinge, a throb or an ache, you probably take your back for granted. Yet with sitting, standing and moving, the human spine is almost in constant use. It’s no wonder why nearly 80% of Americans will experience back or neck pain at some point in their lives.

Despite this statistic, there’s good news when it comes to finding relief for back pain––and it may help you avoid surgery. The approach? Physical Therapy (PT) Rehabilitation.

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