Meet Newborn Tory
Newborn Tory®, or Tory S2210 by Gaumard, is known as one of the world’s most advanced neonatal patient simulators and Tory now calls Holland Hospital home.
“We are very excited to have Tory at Holland Hospital,” said Professional Development Educator, Andi Springett, BSN, RN. “Our hope is that every baby is born healthy, but if this is not the case, being knowledgeable and prepared to care for the infant properly is most important for us.”
Holland Hospital’s Boven Birth Center recently purchased the simulator with funds through its Volunteer Auxiliary’s Lights of Love Campaign, a festive and meaningful way to honor or remember a loved one and benefit patients through the proceeds.
Tory offers true-to-life physical and physiological attributes, wireless mobility, and is designed to simulate lifelike clinical cases for every stage in neonatal care. Among other features, Tory’s chest rise, pulse, and heart and breathing sounds allow staff to practice recognizing and managing varying degrees of distress as well as evaluate the effectiveness of ventilations and compressions in real time.
“Using Tory will provide our staff and physicians with very lifelike crisis situations, so if they should encounter such as situation, they are experienced and can respond immediately and accurately,” said Springett. “Practice makes perfect and we are now fortunate to train with one of the best simulators available.”
Please contact Jennifer Schmitt if you're interested in video of Newborn Tory or scheduling a time to talk with one of our experts who use the newborn simulator.