As the months turn colder and winter approaches, it’s time to think about the upcoming influenza season. Just like you prepare your home for the worst of the winter elements by insulating windows, buying a shovel, or salting your driveway, you should prepare your body to fight the influenza virus. One of your best defenses against the flu is arming yourself with education – learn about the flu and go out into winter prepared to fight not only the worst winter storm, but the influenza virus, too. Here are some important questions and answers about influenza to help you prepare:

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Whenever an unexpected illness or injury occurs, a decision is required: where to receive a medical evaluation and treatment? Many times your private physician’s office may be able to accommodate an urgent medical problem on the same day; but if not, residents and visitors of Holland and Zeeland are fortunate to have a choice of either emergency care or urgent care. Then, the question quickly becomes: where should I go? How early or late are they open? What is the expected wait time? Will my insurance cover the visit?

Hours vs. Minutes

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Now that the FDA advisory panel has pulled the plug on two nonhormonal drugs to treat hot flashes and night sweats, what’s a grumpy, sleep-deprived, sweaty, menopausal woman to do?

For most of us, hot flashes are uncomfortable and inconvenient. For some of us, hot flashes are debilitating and make it hard to sleep or function normally. And except for hormone therapy, no treatment regimen is guaranteed to alleviate them.

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Midlife wellness includes breast health awareness, meaning it’s time to start scheduling annual mammograms – if you haven’t already. Not only can mammograms help detect breast cancer, but can determine whether you have dense breasts. For women with dense breast, an annual mammogram may not be enough. 

Breasts are comprised of fibrous, glandular and fatty tissue. When you have dense breasts, there’s an increased amount of fibrous or glandular tissue, but not much fat. While density may decrease with age, there is little, if any, change of density in most women. 

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Given all of the unpredictability of perimenopause, you’re wondering which symptoms carry over into menopause and which are resolved: Will you feel your best all the time? Or your worst?

I so wish I could give you a solid answer. The reality is that multiple factors are at play, and your genetics, overall health, and lifestyle will affect how they combine.

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